01:Step into the Ocean
02:Step into the Ocean karaoke version
03:Step into the Ocean Instrumental version
04:Step into the Ocean Short version
05:Life is an Adventure
06:Life is an Adventure 前半
07:Life is an Adventure 後半
08:Blonde Haired Girl
09:Charming Cocoa Brown
10:Charming Cocoa Brown Intro cut version
11:Sunshine Coast
12:Sunshine Coast Short version
13:Moonlight Swim
14:Moonlight Swim Melody off
15:Outrigger Canoe
16:Best Buddy
17:Have a Good Dive!
18:Living Nature
19:Living Nature Guitar plus version
20:Dolphin's Whistle "Eee! Eeee!"
21:Dolphin's Whistle "Eee! Eeee!" Intro cut version
22:~~Southern Island~~
24:Descending Distortion version
25:How Deep
26:How Deep Rythum only version
27:Maritime Accident
28:Beyond the Sea
29:Open Water
30:Open Water Intro cut version
31:Crystal Clear
32:See you again